USA Slow Travel

As you know, I’ve been compiling my slow travel destinations in retirement planning to visit around the world. I’ve shared the spreadsheet before but will include it here again for quick reference. In advance of fully departing down the road, I am thinking that visiting some of the U.S. destinations on shorter vacations would be …

Viome Gut Intelligence Test

This post is not sponsored, and no affiliate relationship exists between the author and Viome at the time of this post. UPDATE: Supplements and Biotics are in! I received my Viome customized supplements and biotics, formulated based on my recent gut intelligence test results. I started taking these this week and so far, so good! …

Maybe I Don’t Hate the Gilmore Girls

I know I was in the minority, being a hater of the Gilmore Girls. The first time I watched the series I wanted to punch every character in the face at least 10 times an episode. It rubbed me in all the wrong ways – shallow characters, horrendous parenting, stereotypical plot arcs.  I shook my …

2025 TBR

I’ve been an avid reader all my life.  Looking back, I wish I had started a reading list to track all of the titles I’ve had the pleasure of devouring. But I wasn’t so insightful in my youth. For 2025, I decided to tackle a TBR – a To-Be-Read list of books I’ve had my …

LMNT – Stay Salty

Hydration is paramount to good health, and especially important if you are upleveling your exercise regime.  Enter, LMNT Zero-Sugar Electrolytes. And if you also happen to love chocolate, the newest edition will really hit your sweet spot. “The Chocolate Medley features Chocolate Mint, Chocolate Chai, and Chocolate Raspberry. Perfect for zero-sugar hot chocolates, or mix …

Rebounding Your Way to Health

Last year I kept running into friends on online influencers who were touting the benefits of rebounding your way to health.  I hadn’t heard of rebounding – and at first glance, I did wonder what all the hype was about. After finally giving in and purchasing one of my own – I’m a convert! Rebounding, …